Gordon L. Johnson Distinguished Park Service Award

The Gordon L. Johnson Distinguished Public Servant Award is awarded annually by the Taylor Mill Commission to an individual who exemplifies the lifestyle of a dedicated public servant in multiple capacities.

Congratulations and thank you to the many citizens of Taylor Mill who have been given this distinguished award.

2001: Gordon L. Johnson
2002: Rita J. Hasler
2003: Rick Mueller
2004: H.L. Moening
2006: Robert Stewart
2007: Meriam T. Fisk
2008: Terri Mueller
2009: Nancy Bishop
2010: Nancy Bishop Krallman
2011: Todd A. Fuller
2012: William L. Vogelpohl
2013: Mark Kreimborg
2014: Bob Haake
2015: Les & Mary Ann Fulmer
2016: John Lucas
2017: Cody J. Kledzik

The Gordon L. Johnson Award honors excellence in the field of volunteerism and loyal service to The City of Taylor Mill.